YUANTAI FEM TOP ND European Electric Hoist

6 мая 2015 в 13:54
Yuantai newest designed European hoist Advantages
1.Compact size
The axial dimension of hoist is compact ,it is easy to close the wall and lifting more height in a certain heigh.
The size of rail bottom base to hook is smallest compare with CD hoist , it makes the possible to lower the height of construction.
2 light selfweight ,light wheel pressure. It reduce the pressure of girder ,raise the Safety coefficient of girder.

Yuantai newest designed European hoist Security device
1 Lifting height limit device; Overload protector;Cross the limit.

Yuantai newest designed European hoist Option
1.Rope reeving :2/1,4/1,6/1,4/2,6/2,8/2
2.Lifting speed is Single speed ,double speed,variable frequency speed for choice
3.The standard lifting height is 6,9,12,18,24,36m . The max lifting height can reach 120m.
4.The normal traveling speed is 20m/min,or 12.5,16,25,32,20/6.5 and 20/5 m/min
5.Pendant control or remote control push button
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