Daswell concrete batching plant is energy saving

19 декабря 2013 в 08:21
Concrete batching plant weighing methodsHenan Daswell Machinery Co., Ltd,is a professional manufacturer and trader specializing in the research, development and production of construction machinery for nearly 30 years. Our main products are as follows:concrete mixer machine price,concrete mixer,We will provide you with the best product and service. Daswell concrete batching plant can produce plasticity/dry-hard concrete with high productivity cement mixer for sale, and they are widely used in various construction products, road, bridge project, and concrete prefabrication factory. Advantages are as follows: long service life of spare parts, easy maintenance, good reliability concrete block making machine, low failure rate, high efficiency and reasonable prices and etc. During the concrete batching plant producing concrete, aggregate, concrete, water and additive have their independent weighing system. Aggregate weighing can accord its species and size, this method calling independent weighing. Though the independent weighing has the feature of high precision weighing, but the weighing hoppers are too much to arrange, thus the concrete batching plant structure is too complex. Because the current concrete batching plant makes the aggregate into two groups, that is, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate weighing device.
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