Hongxing Combination Crusher Are Favored by Customers

26 ноября 2014 в 12:04
Combination crusher has been favored by new and old customers. As a leading crusher manufacturing company in Central China, Hongxing Machinery is always walking on the leading edge in the production of crushing equipment. It is designated mainly for grinding of cement raw materials and cement clinker in cement factories. Thus, a kind of ideal secondary crushing equipment is provided for technology innovation or new production line building in cement factories.

The combination crusher is a new type of fine crushing and rough milling product after optimizing and designing the main technical parameter and combining the crushing technologies domestic and international. It is mainly used to crush crude cement materials and grogs in medium-sized factory, providing an ideal fine crushing equipment for the technological innovation of cement factories or setting up the cement production line.

The combination crusher is mainly used for crushing hard stone and iron rocks, and faced with so severe production environment, there will inevitably be some discrepancies during the working process of combination crusher. At the bottom of the rotor and sieve plate, crush material is less than the screen hole size in graded through the sieve plate, is greater than the screen hole size of the coarse grained resistance continued to hit by the hammer on the sieve plate and grinding, and finally through the sieve plate outside.

Raw materials are fed from the top of the combination crusher, and fall into the rotating impeller at a high speed to be crushed. As other materials simultaneously fall around the rotating impeller, the two kinds of materials join together and are crushed by each other. The materials are crushed many times in and around the impeller of the combination crusher, and are finally discharged from beneath the machine. Since the upper material feeding mouth to into the machine, the high-speed movement of the hammer blow, impact, shear, grinding and crushing.

After 30 years of reform and development, Hongxing Machinery has achieved numerous honors on research and development of small crusher, vertical crusher and other machinery, including various kinds of certificates and awards issued by government organizations, media and marketing research organizations. Send us an email into sinohxjq@hxjq.com for more details?
stone impactor: http://www.breaker-machine.com/impact-crusher/stone-impactor.html

cement production line: http://www.bestjawcrusher.com/products/cement_production_line/
combination crusher: http://www.sinojawcrusher.com/companyproducts/Combination-crusher.html
small crusher: http://www.china-ore-beneficiation.com/ourgoods/stone-crushing-machine.html
vertical crusher: http://www.hxjqmining.com/pro/compound_crusher.html
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