Evaluation of Cheddar and Cottage Cheese Production from Doe and Ewe

Рубрика: Технические науки в целом
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The study was aimed to produce cheddar and cottage cheese from doe and ewe milk. The sources of milk were from Arsi Negele and Kofele areas of Oromiya region of Ethiopia. Cheddar cheeses were made from whole doe, whole ewe milk and their mixtures contained ratio of 25, 50 and 75% of doe and ewe milk using standard procedure for cheddar cheese processing technology.The proximate, microbiological, Physico- chemical, sensory analysis and yield calculation of the cheeses were made at chemical Engineering laboratory, Holleta agricultural research center,Ethiopian health and nutrition research institute.The thesis generally includes processing technology and evaluation of cheddar cheese made from doe and/or ewe milk. As a result an economically feasible production system has been recommended by scaling up to industry level.
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