Bahamas Sketchbook

Рубрика: Живопись. Теория и техника
От производителя
The 700 islands, cays and islets of the Bahamas are scattered across over 96,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. Only 23 of the islands are inhabited, and amongst these, visitors will find an intriguing blend of the old and new, the expected and unexpected. The character of each island is different: there is San Salvador, with its turquoise waters that are perfect for diving, Inagua with its untamed wilderness and renowned wildlife, Grand Bahama with its glitz and glamour and New Providence with the bustling cosmopolitan capital, Nassau. Of those that travel in search of a paradise, many find it in the Bahamas.In the Bahamas Sketchbook, acclaimed watercolour artist Graham Byfield masterfully captures the spirit and character of these fames isles, transporting readers to this tranquil and captivating place where classic architecture is found alongside palm-fringed beaches.
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