The Car Design Yearbook 4: The Definitive Annual Guide to All New Concept and Production Cars Worldwide

Рубрика: Другие марки автомобилей
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This brand new edition of the definitive annual guide to car design features all the new cars launched worldwide from April 2004 to March 2005. Also included are special features on wheel design and the use of virtual reality in car design, profiles of the year’s leading designers, a full technical glossary and a list of all the motor shows in the year ahead. The Car Design Yearbook remains the only annual reference available to all the latest trends in car design worldwide. Over 130 cars, clearly organized A–Z. Over 550 stunning photographs and original renderings show exterior and interior styling and engine layout. Key performance and technical data provided for each car. A unique reference for all car and design enthusiasts. Формат: 25 cм x 29 см.
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